… friends and friendly
Fritz Haeg American artist whose work spans a range of disciplines and media including gardens, dance, performance ….
My friend Richard Reynolds: / London The Robin Hood of Gardeners …
The Yes Men are a culture jamming activist duo and network of supporters created by Jacques Servin and Igor Vamos …
Greenmuseum.org This online museum emerged from our own experiences making environmental art and from seeing firsthand some of the challenges facing artists, community groups, nonprofit organizations and arts institutions when it came to presenting and discussing environmental art.
Maurice Maggi / Zürich www.maurice-maggi.ch
Macolm Green /Berlin www.redsphinx.com
Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen / Berlin https://www.breigarten.de
Westdeutscher Künstlerbund http://www.westdeutscher-kuenstlerbund.de